Friday, October 28, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Anxiety In Dogs
Anxiety In Dogs
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The article is about the separation anxiety that is experienced by dogs who have become so attached to their owners.
separation anxiety in dog, anxiety
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A world without dogs would be crazy. It would be lonely for most of us if we lost our favorite canine companions. Fortunately, almost every household in the US had had at least one dog.
Dogs are animals that need special care and extra attention from us humans. Compared to cats, dogs are more active and showy to their companions. Cats just lie and sleep most of the day. It only moves toward you to get is dose of petting or to ask for food. Most of the time, cats would rather sleep or groom themselves.
Dogs are different. They are playful, they interact with other people and other dogs as well. They show appreciation to their owner, in one way or another. Men and dogs have become ultimate partners, helping each other... enjoying a complimentary relationship.
Dogs are also utilized outside the home, even in law enforcement. The police have canine units that help them in searching for different dangerous substances or objects. Sometimes, K-9 units are also used to search for missing people. If well trained, these special dogs can detect or identify crime suspects by tagging the smell.
Even blind people immensely benefit from dogs. These dogs serve as the "eyes" of their blind master. These dogs enable blind people to live relatively normal lives, allowing them to leave their homes and enjoy the outdoors much like other people who can see.
Dogs have different personalities. It really depends on the breed or the dog's family history. From being a puppy to an adult dog, they are accompanied by their human masters. These people are familiar to dogs and how they live everyday. The dog's everyday routine is usually dependent on their master's lifestyle.
However, some dogs experience anxiety that almost comes instantly when they are left alone by their master. If they are left alone, these dogs can become destructive, which is their means of expressing frustration or loneliness. This is actually called separation anxiety in dogs. Dogs can become restless and bored, and if they see that their master is not around, they may go out to chew on anything that they can get their paws on --- from slippers, to furniture, to other objects found in the house.
In fact, chewing on certain objects that have the master's smell (socks, shoe, the sofa, or even the door) is one of the many symptoms of separation anxiety in dogs. Other symptoms to watch out for would be continuous barking, uncontrolled "pooping", and various ways to get master's attention.
Probable causes for such behavior often include dogs that were not properly socialized or dogs that have been living in different homes. With this in mind, owners should take a second look at their dogs and see if they exhibit such behavior. This will give them the idea that their dogs might be suffering from separation anxiety.
Dealing with separation anxiety in dogs can be serious if not threatening for your carpet or sofa. Begin with a no "goodbye" technique. Owners should not give their dogs any hugs before they leave the home. This will only make the dog long for more attention from the owner. Another tip would be to leave some toys or goodies that will help your dog consume its time and takes its attention away from its anxiety.
Aquarium Ornament
Aquarium Ornament
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Aquarium ornaments aren't there to add any benefits to the fish, they are just for you to add some decoration in the tank. You can have all sorts of ornaments, big or small, traditional or caricature, simple or even complicated.
Aquarium OrnamentAquarium, Aquarium Ornament, fish
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Aquarium ornaments aren't there to add any benefits to the fish, they are just for you to add some decoration in the tank. You can have all sorts of ornaments, big or small, traditional or caricature, simple or even complicated. There are thousands of different ornaments that you can buy in stores or you can even make your own. However ornaments are not for all fish, some fish don't like them, I know for a fact Oscars don't take well to any type of ornament or even plant. Some fish do need them though, basically to hide or live in and keep away from bigger fish.
Traditional ornaments are ornaments like castles and ships, they provide security for smaller fish from the bigger ones, they also provide a place to stay and play, yes fish do play! Fish ornaments are available in pet and fish stores. They tend to range from very low to very high prices. You can of course get more detailed ornaments that aren't shaped to be anything except for like branches with weeds on them. Some fish need their ornaments to resemble their natural home, for example lots of plants and branches in the tank.
If you have amphibians in your
tank they often like a waterfall ornament with a bathing pool at the bottom of it so that they can bath in it. Amphibians need a lot of greenery in their tank as this resembles their home and therefore you should try to make sure that you fill you tank full of it! Aquarium ornaments are easy to come across and they don't take much effort to put in the tank.
You should always try to keep the ornaments like the animals natural habitat unless it is a fish that couldn't care less, like goldfish for example. Goldfish are very easy to keep and you can decorate their tank with all sorts of funny ornaments. With smaller fish you can try to decorate their tanks with funky ornaments but I always feel that the traditional ones are better!
Aquarium Plants
Aquarium Plants
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Adding live plants to an aquarium does more than just improve aesthetics – plants provide shelter, food for vegetarian fish, and prevent green water. Plants also soak up carbon dioxide, waste products, contribute oxygen to the water, and promote the growth of algae, tiny worms, rotifers, and protozoa, providing live food for the fish.
aquarium supplies, protein skimmers
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Adding live plants to an aquarium does more than just improve aesthetics – plants provide shelter, food for vegetarian fish, and prevent green water. Plants also soak up carbon dioxide, waste products, contribute oxygen to the water, and promote the growth of algae, tiny worms, rotifers, and protozoa, providing live food for the fish.
Lighting is important if you want your plants to grow successfully. They need 12-14 hours of light each day, just like in nature. Opinions vary concerning how much light live plants need, but generally 3-5 watts per gallon works well. Compact fluorescent bulbs and par 20, 50-watt halogen bulbs both do the job right, so experiment with different types of lighting to find out what works best for your plants.
Plants also require the proper nutrients to stay healthy and green. Everything works together in a well-planned aquarium, so keeping the plants fed isn't a difficult prospect. Nutrients to feed the plants come from the fish in the tank - you can add more if needed. Fertilization is easy as well because plants are able to naturally use fish waste as fertilizer. You can add a commercial fertilizer when you change the water, but it's usually better to follow the "less is more" philosophy when it comes to fertilizing your plants. Too much fertilizer can cause problems with algae growth in the tank, and you can always add more if required.
What about water temperature? The majority of aquatic plants thrive in water temperatures between 72f and 78f. The pH of the water is also important – a pH of 6.8 to 7.8 is ideal.
Snails are another natural component that help the overall health of the aquatic environment. Snails clean plants of food and small algae, as they crawl over leaves and foliage. However, some snails can actually cause problems. Ramshorn, pond, and other species eat the leaves instead of clean them, and can cause unwanted damage. Luckily, it's quite easy to remove troublesome snails. Simply place lettuce leaves at the top of the aquarium to attract the snails – remove everything with a net once all the snails have assembled on the lettuce pieces.
Before placing new plants in your aquarium, rinse them thoroughly in warm water to remove any insects you don't want invading the aquarium. Healthy plants have solid roots and firm leaves, so this is what you should look for when purchasing aquatic plants. Avoid plants that give off a strange smell, especially bulbs, as this is an indication that the plant is not healthy and may not grow properly once placed in your tank.
Younger plants generally adjust better to transplantation, so keep this in mind as well. Although the plants you buy will need a period of time to adjust, and may lose some leaves, don't be alarmed. This is completely normal. To promote healthy new growth, just remove dead leaves as they appear, being careful not to damage the roots.
Aquatic plants make a beautiful addition to any aquarium and help keep the fish comfortable, healthy, and happy.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Portal Articles Free PLR Private Label Rights
Sunday, October 9, 2011
A Dogs Communication - Could Your Dog be Trying to Tell You Something?
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When your dog barks, is it just noise of is he trying to tell you something? This article can help explain.
dog, dogs, puppy, animal, animals, cat, cats, pet, pets, communication
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Is barking a form of language among dogs with precise significance, or just playful noise? Dogs exchange information among themselves less by voice than by a wide range of facial expressions, body postures and gestures, as well as by various scents. Dogs, who bark at night, are probably working off excess energy or announcing their presence, and this is undoubtedly the only message conveyed to other dogs within ear shot.
When a dog goes to his owner and deliberately barks, it is simply meant to attract attention. You must try to guess his general behavior, rather than from the circumstances and his general behavior, rather than from the particular form or pitch of bark he makes. The howling or baying of hunting dogs is an instinctive hunting cry informing the pack that the dog is on a trail. Barking at strange noises is a warning as well as a threat display.
A lonely dog who bowls may be sending out a gathering cry to other dogs nearby. Wild dogs on the other hand, never back, they only howl. Could the barking of domesticated dogs be a form of communication more closely resembling speech? A pet dog that shares a close relationship with his owner and has been taught to understand many words obviously makes an effort, sometimes quite successfully, to give meaning to his own utterances.
A dog who wishes to assert his importance and boldness instinctively employs all of the effects that make him look bigger and more frightening, raising his back ton increase his height and holding his head high in defiance. A dog who wants to show submission does just the opposite, making himself look small by crouching down with his tail between his legs and his ears laid back flat.
A dog who wishes to assert his dominance will take a perpendicular position with his head over the other dog's shoulders, while nudging or pushing, with his neck arched, head and tail raised and tense. The conventional play invitation is a posture with the forehead crouched, the hind quarters high, a wagging tail, bright eye and a little yap. A rigid stance with a steady gaze and a high, trembling tail is hostile. A high, steady tail signifies self confidence, and held low indicates inferiority, fatigue, ill health, or a bad mood.
Pawing at the neck is an expression of affection, nose-nudging is another invitation to play. Paw-giving is a conventional canine gesture with two possible meanings. When he gives his paw to his owner while avoiding eye contact he's saying "Please forgive me" or when he wants attention, he is saying "I'm here, don't forget me." When he offers his paw to another dog, it's a sign of submission.
An owner, who takes the trouble to observe his dog and pay him the courtesy of listening to him, can establish a simple two-way communications system with his pet. Canine messages are generally very elementary, as he asks much less of us than we do of him. "I'm hungry," "I'm thirsty", "I need to go out", or "Come with me I think something is wrong" are among the messages he manages to convey very well considering his limited means. His most eloquent utterance is the emotional gurgle of barks that means to say "I've missed you!"
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Critical Review Of Secrets Of The Big Dogs
Critical Review Of Secrets Of The Big Dogs
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I just recently reviewed one of the most informative and honest E-books on the topic of Internet Marketing that I have read in quite some time. An honest, hard core look at the world of internet marketing entitled "Secrets of the Big Dogs!"
Firstly, let me tell you up front that according to this report, the Big Dogs are those 1 or 2 percent who are actually making a full time income in the wonderful sometimes wacky world of Internet Marketing. The other 98 percent are all...
home based business, internet marketing, making money online
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I just recently reviewed one of the most informative and honest E-books on the topic of Internet Marketing that I have read in quite some time. An honest, hard core look at the world of internet marketing entitled "Secrets of the Big Dogs!"
Firstly, let me tell you up front that according to this report, the Big Dogs are those 1 or 2 percent who are actually making a full time income in the wonderful sometimes wacky world of Internet Marketing. The other 98 percent are all the rest of us who are joining their programs and buying their stuff! The secrets are those marketing and advertising strategies that they have desperately tried to keep to we continue to buy their programs and their stuff!
The e-book purports to cut through the reams of misinformation, DIS-information, hype, and out and out lies about the Internet and provides you with a path, a highway upon which YOU can speed safely to your own personal internet marketers winner's circle.
The Secrets of the Big Dogs is strategically designed to be a step by step course in internet marketing. It is controversial in that it shares with all of us those strategies that some internet marketers would prefer we not know.
For example, chapter one starts off by asking if the reader knows the difference between the World Wide Web and the Internet, suggesting that understanding the history of the Internet is critical to the choices you have to make as a "Netpreneur", or someone who is trying to create a full time income as an Internet Marketer.
The book makes some controversial statements regarding the real value of things such as Search Engine Optimization and other highly touted methods of enhancing website placement in search engines. It compares these highly touted methods with the methods that the "Big Dogs" use to acquire visibility on the Internet and attain the higher Page Rankings.
In Chapter 2, the author shares the THE FIVE BIG LIES concerning the Internet. Oddly enough, those FIVE BIG LIES sound so much like the majority of Internet advertisements that show up in our in boxes each and every day. The get rich quick schemes and other methods that never ever seem to work as advertised.
The Secrets of the Big Dogs suggests that in order to market successfully on the internet, you must be able to separate the incredible amount of Internet HYPE from the Internet TRUTH. It goes on to spell out in no uncertain terms what the TRUTH is and what is the HYPE. It points out the one key ingredient to internet marketing success and that one key ingredient lies in advertising. Getting traffic to your website. Getting your potential clients DIRECTED by the most cost effective means to YOUR website.
Then, the book points out a system, the one amazing secret of driving traffic to your website that the all the Big Dogs use in one form or another. The e-book suggests that all the other methods you are using to drive traffic to your website are ultimately ineffective and expensive.
Finally, the author shares with us the Ten Secrets of the Big Dogs. These ten ideas and the pages of discussion after each one, reveals the strategies that those who have truly attained financial success online are using every day. The ideas are controversial. Why? Because there are many who are making large green stamps as a result of you being unaware of these truths. The strategies that work!
I advise the readers of this article to become aware of these truths before spending another dime on your Internet marketing efforts.
This is one of the most fascinating reports on all aspects of internet marketing that I have ever read. Period.
After reading it, I immediately employed many of the ideas that it promotes. I stopped doing some other things. Not only have those efforts increased traffic to my website, they have saved me hundreds of dollars.
Rest assured! You can be successful on the Internet, but you have to be streetwise about this business. You must avoid the scams and invest in bonafide internet marketing efforts and programs. The Secrets of the Big Dogs honestly tells you what to avoid and where to spend your precious investment capital.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
A Black Cat is Just a Cat
A Black Cat is Just a Cat
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The black cat is an unfortunate kitty with a negative supernatural reputation. Many people fear black cats and associate them with bad luck. Historically they have been used in the supernatural rituals of Black Magic and linked to Witchcraft. This article is written to dispel this notion, and to introduce you to a black kitty who is more afraid of his own black shadow than anything else. He has brought only joy and no "bad luck".
black cat, black cats, cat black, black cat superstition, big black cat, cat, cats
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When my old cat died, I decided to pick one out of the Humane Society. They had named the first cat I saw "Batman", and I fell in love with him on sight.
But when I brought him home, I discovered he didn't quite have the courage of the comic book hero. I made some mistakes which resulted in a month long struggle to coax him out of his hiding place to join the family.
I renamed him Bear, and he is wonderful cat, but my guests seem a little uncomfortable when he comes into the room. After all, he is completely black.
He is a black cat and some people are afraid of Black Cats…
The Black Cat in History
Historically, black cats have been associated with omens, bad luck and, well...evil.
The poor unfortunate kitties have been used in rituals, and were supposedly the "familiars" of witches. Anarchism has used the symbol of the black cat, as has Wicca, the modern day expression of Witchcraft. Superstition has associated bad luck with having a black cat cross your path.
All-in-all, the black cat has been getting some really bad press for centuries, and all of that is not easily overcome in just a few short lines of this article.
Scaredy Cat
A very highly sensitive cat, our new black Bear was far more scared of us than we were of him, and we made a number of mistakes in the first hour of his introduction that practically destroyed our chances for introducing him to our home.
The process of first finding Bear where he had hidden in the house and gradually coaxing him out of his hiding place to join the family was long and agonizing. It took over a month, and I had almost despaired that we would ever acclimate him.
Patience won out, though…
Superstition Dispelled
Since then, Bear has been rolling around on my lap enjoying his daily pettings, sleeping in my bed, yowling at the females he sees from his perch in the kitchen window and just generally bringing a lot of joy to our lives.
He is here to dispel the notion that a black cat means bad luck. He is one of the sweetest cats you'll ever meet, and there's absolutely *nothing* scary about him. And I can tell you for a fact that no bad luck is connected with Bear. He's crossed my path innumerable times, and so far I haven't experienced anything one might think of as "bad luck".
I have to say, though, that on Halloween night he seems to be scared of his own black shadow. But I try to keep him calmed down and happy to be where he my lap purring as loud as he can!
Monday, October 3, 2011
A Beginners Guide to a Clean and Healthy Aquarium
A Beginners Guide to a Clean and Healthy Aquarium
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Maintaining an aquarium is a process that entails a series of regular tasks. Weekly or by weekly tasks like cleaning must be performed to ensure your aquariums ecosystems lengthy lifespan. This article is about things a beginner must know to ensure a long lasting aquarium.
Aquarium, aquarium maintenance, fish tank, fish tank cleaning, aquarium pets, aquarium hobby, pet fish
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A clean aquarium is the best habitat for all kinds of fish or other living organisms like crabs for example. A clean aquarium means your fish and plants will live for a longer time saving you time and allowing you to enjoy watching them grow. The best way to keep an aquarium clean is to have all the proper equipment and use it often to clean with. It is also a mater of know how. There are a few things that every aquarium owner must know to clean an aquarium and maintain it in the best possible way.
People who don't know much about aquariums might use harsh household cleaners to clean their aquariums. This would have detrimental for the small ecosystem you ought to be striving to create. Good tips for keeping your aquarium clean is to keep the water supply clean by cleaning the water pump. To do so one should always keep the filtration system in mind. A good clean filter is what the life of your aquariums ecosystem depend on. Cleaning the filter too often might also have a negative impact on your aquariums life. It is therefore important to maintain a balance, and to clean your aquariums filter only when needed or specified by the filters manufacturer. Many aquariums experts recommend that the ornaments as well as the glass ought to be cleaned at least once every two weeks. Cleaning the aquarium ornaments and glass prevents algae from building up inside. If the aquarium is made from plastic materials then cleaning should be performed on smaller time intervals, perhaps once a week. When performing maintenance operations to your aquarium, you should always keep in mind a few things to ensure that things are going smoothly inside your aquarium. Check the air pump and see if it is running ok. It is imperative that there is enough oxygen for the fish but also to allow for proper flow of the water.
Another thing that will ensure longer life for your aquarium is ensuring that the water is changed often. This way your fish and plants will live longer and your aquarium will definitely look better. One more thing that you should do to maintain a clean aquarium is to clean, or at least rinse the gravel that sit on the bottom of your aquarium. This process entails that you remove all contents of the aquarium including the fish. Therefore, its viability depends highly on how many as well as what kind of fish you have. Keeping a clean aquarium does not only entail cleaning it every week or two weeks. You should also consider acquiring a water purifier. There are many kinds of purifiers out there for different types of aquariums as well as sizes. When you use a water purifier to clean the water contents of your fish tank you should always let it sit and mix with the water to allow it to dissolve. If you are new to aquariums, always remember to read the instructions of every product used. Be careful; keep a schedule for maintenance operations and treat your aquarium with love and it will eventually flourish.